
Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I found my old blog! So nostalgic.

I believe I have started many blogs before but I was never able to keep up and I have forgotten about them. We were all once young, so reading back on my posts 7-8 years ago seriously brings back alot of memories. And on top of that, I am glad that I still believe in alot of the things I wrote when I was a young kid. 

Fast forward from my last post in 2011, many things happened. 

Graduated from Secondary school of course, graduated from Poly, started my first real full time job, BTO-ed, am currently in my last semester in Uni and in my second job. 

There were several huge events recently that I am just not able to keep up with.

First, my best friend just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl

Second, my sister also gave birth to a super adorable baby boy

Third, I'm engaged! 

The third point is what motivated me to start blogging again to be honest. Wedding planning is stressful but it is also a process that I would never want to forget, especially the details! 

Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the blogging.